
Archive for iunie 2008

„So long! Very well! Auf Wiedersehen! Goodbye! I hate to go and leave this pretty sight!”

Azi a fost ultima zi la Jumpeye Creative Media –  www.jumpeye.ro

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Nu de mult mi-am facut un test asa de curiozitate, test foarte popular pe http://www.facebook.com si anume…” Care este eroina cu care te identifici din romanele scriitoarei Jane Austen?”

Si iata ce mi-a iesit: Elinor Dashwood din „Ratiune si Simtire”

„You are an understated beauty, quiet and selfless, putting other’s struggles and troubles above your own. You love deeply and are not easily in and out of love. You are steady and dependable, others lean on you for strength. You long for a kindred spirit to lighten your load, a love who is a good listener.”

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